
Monday, 21 August 2006

Are Amazon servers down? Errors..

Interesting. With Amazon UK I'm getting:

We're sorry
An error occurred when we tried to process your request.
We're working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly. Please note that if you were trying to place an order, it will not have been processed at this time. Please try again later.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

* Click here to return to the home page

And with Amazon US, it's:

We're sorry!

An error occurred when we tried to process your request. Rest assured, we're already working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly.

If you were trying to make a purchase, please check Your Account to confirm that the order was placed.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

on the home page

I wonder what's up? (Quite apart from the fact that for UK customers they don't feel they need to say "Rest assured"! Are we considered more laid back, or something...?). Why are all of mighty Amazon's servers down or on strike?


Anonymous said...

Mad isn't it. It's been at least an hour or more now.

Wonder what on earth could bring down all amazon servers at once?

Anonymous said...

They're down in the US, too. Same message.


Improbulus said...

Well at least they're back up now... looks like it was a crash, but there doesn't seem to be much coverage about it.