
Sunday, 19 February 2006

Blogger: DON'T republish until you've read this!

If you use Blogger hosted on Blogspot and you've not already seen the latest Blogger status page post, I just thought I'd draw attention to it. While they've fixed the problems some people were having, they say (my emphasis):
if your blog was on [the problem] database, posts and template changes made in the last 18 hours or so were not saved. They may appear on your blog now, but will disappear if you republish. If you made a post between Friday afternoon and [Saturday 11 am PST], we suggest that you look at your list of posts (“Posting” tab, “Edit posts” sub-tab) and compare it with what is published on your blog. If posts are missing, copy them from your blog pages before you republish.

So it's best to check your Edit posts page if you've posted anything on Friday 17 February or Saturday 18 February, before you republish your blog after template changes or for any other reason, or you may lose recent posts you'd thought were fine.

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Anonymous said...

I was working on modifying my templates yah about Friday and I thought what was taking so long to republish, it went through alright but when I view the page --- IT'S TOTALLY GONE. Half of my template was truncated. It's was good, I backup the file and I had another window of the same blog template opened.

Whew! I had to edit here and there etc. What a job!

John Hood said...

Thanks for the information. Thankfully my account was unaffected in this instance.

Shay said...

I seem to encounter too many problems with Blogger lately. The reason I preferred Blogger to Wordpress originally, despite WP's other advantages, is because I assumed anything owned by Google would be uber-stable.
Perpetual beta strikes again..

But now I'm too lazy to make the move to WP.

Anonymous said...

This same thing happened during the last blogger outage around the 4th of Feb.
feb 4 status

But either Blogger knew about it and never acknowledged the problem, or with all the other issues (the whole thing eventually became unaccessable) they never realized that there was a database issue also.

The first time it did affect me. But enough other people had the same issue so it wasn't just me. This last one didn't.

But losing data is a bad sign. That was one thing I had never had a concern about. Two times in two weeks ain't good. Hopefully the fact that they realized it was an issue and acknowledged it this time means they have the problem sorted...I suppose we shall see.

Improbulus said...

Thanks for the comments and info. What a business! I sure hope Blogger get their act together on this front (at least they've acknowledged it now), as you say Kirk, losing data is bad, bad bad.

Shay, I thought about moving too at one stage but it was the copying over my posts, plus the links are all to this URL (and authoritativeness as far as Technorati, Page Rank etc are concerned) and I'd lose all that if I changed URLs so... Mostly Blogger is fine by me.