Often people are at a loss as to what to do when someone dies, the practical steps they have to take e.g. how to register the death, when they already have more than enough to have to cope with. But there are some guides on what to do after a death as well as on the support resources available, such as the following (at least for the UK).
The most useful:- ADDED: What to do when someone dies, by Directgov.uk - particularly what to do in the first few days after a death
- "What to do when someone dies", Big Issue list - the most practical checklist, helpful and clearly laid out
- "D49 - What to do after a death in England and Wales", Department for Works and Pensions" - comprehensive guide including to benefits (there is a more easily printable Jan 2005 PDF version; and PDF for Scotland)
- When someone dies: notes on how to cope, by Rev Peter Hewis - concise
- Main bereavement links at Directgov including bereavement payments, bereavement allowance; also
Directgov's bereavement factsheets - What to do after a death (Adviceguide)
- Coping practically when someone dies (Cancerhelp)
- CWFS factsheet
- planning for a funeral (Age Concern)
- consumer advice on funerals by the Office of Fair Trading - don't get ripped off at a vulnerable time; I can't conceive of how people could even think of exploiting the bereaved, but reading this will hopefully help avoid that situation
- Natural Death Centre - alternatives to burial and cremation such as woodland burials etc. I want to look into being freeze dried, myself - seems the most environmentally sensible way, if one wants to be ecologically friendly and think of the environment.
Counselling/support links
Dealing with debt, the estate etc
- What happens to debt when someone dies (Directgov)
- National Debtline factsheet
- Dealing with someone's estate (Age Concern)
- The Bereavement Register - a service specifically designed to remove from databases and mailing files, the names and addresses of people who have died.
Technorati Tags: bereavement, death, funerals, burial, cremation, support, tips, advice, guides, counselling, Improbulus, A Consuming Experience, Consuming Experience
That's a bit of a morbid post, Imp. I hope it's just informational and nothing else has triggered it...
Thank you for your concern. Not me, but someone close to me. I tried to help by tracking down practical guidance. I feel that a person who is grieving really shouldn't have to be burdened with the extra worry of not knowing what they are supposed to do next, or how.
As I had found these resources I thought I ought to pull them together. I hope this post will be of help to anyone who needs it.
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